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New to Physical Retail? 5 Things to Consider When Building Your POP Displays

E-commerce brands saw a lot of exposure and a big boost from online shopping during the height of the pandemic. Now, many have set their sights on physical retail. Medallion Retail explores what it might take to get that coveted store positioning and to debut in brick & mortar like a superstar.


Unboxing the Love and Brand Awareness

Gift giving and the unboxing experience have always provided an ample platform for brands to make an impression. But it could also be an opportunity to gain a new customer. Medallion Retail explores optimizing the gift-giving experience, keeping it from the heart and making them want for more.


The On-Going Evolution and Value of Pop-Up Retail: 6 Questions to ask if it’s right for you

In 2008, the retail world, at least in the U.S., faced multiple challenges and on many fronts. As online buying began to grow in step with shoppers’ comfort with this channel, the pull of foot traffic from brick-and-mortar stores to


QR Code Marketing: Why This Touchless Trend Feels Right

If February 2020 feels like a decade ago, you’re not alone. Last year was one of the most challenging—and felt like one of the longest—ever faced. And to think, it started out relatively normal, with casual debates about Prince Harry

Customer Loyalty Programs

Customer Loyalty Programs: The Most Effective Tool in Your Marketing Arsenal

If your wallet has ever looked anything like mine, chances are that at one point in time it was loaded with stacks of customer loyalty cards. In those early days of customer loyalty programs, it was on the customer to

Consider these things before choosing a Fulfillment Partner

Choosing a Fulfillment Partner: 7 Things to Consider First

Anticipate growth Growth is something every e-commerce brand strives for. Growth, and more of it. So why, then, do so many wait until they’re in the thick of that growth to begin thinking about how to address inventory and fulfillment?