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2023: 4 Trends That Are Here to Stay

As the new year kicks off, health & wellness, environmental stewardship and convenience continue to be at the top of consumer wish lists. We take a look at the ways brands and CPG companies are checking off some of these boxes while gaining new customers and building brand loyalty.


Inflation as the New Pandemic: How Shopper Behaviors Change, Once Again

With inflation running rampant and the uncertainty of where all this is going, consumers are having to rethink their priorities. How will retailers address shifting consumer behaviors and manage through this economic rollercoaster ride? Medallion Retail explores these questions and much more.


6 Trends That Gained Traction in 2021

Trends come and go. While some fade away into obscurity, some gain traction and develop into formidable innovations that shape and disrupt many industries. Medallion takes a look at six trends that took root in early 2021 and are now blossoming, showing continued promise in 2022 and beyond.


March Madness Shopping: Bringing Fun and Exploration to the Customer Experience

As we come up on the NCAA’s March Madness schedule, we should take a minute to remember how the college basketball tourneys played out in March 2020. In what seems like a lifetime ago, teams and fans readied for college


QR Code Marketing: Why This Touchless Trend Feels Right

If February 2020 feels like a decade ago, you’re not alone. Last year was one of the most challenging—and felt like one of the longest—ever faced. And to think, it started out relatively normal, with casual debates about Prince Harry