The Complicated Marketing of Health and Wellness In-Store
As consumers move to a more proactive mindset around their health and wellness, demand for products and services in this arena is growing fast. Medallion Retail explores how brands and retailers might address the complexities of marketing this category in-store, overcoming labor shortages and supply chain problems.

Unboxing the Love and Brand Awareness
Gift giving and the unboxing experience have always provided an ample platform for brands to make an impression. But it could also be an opportunity to gain a new customer. Medallion Retail explores optimizing the gift-giving experience, keeping it from the heart and making them want for more.

Pickup & Home Delivery: Marketing Opportunities in the Bag
The coronavirus pandemic has had a substantial effect on retail. But it’s also provided retailers with unconventional marketing opportunities. Consider that delivery and pickup options have grown as consumers have sought safer and more convenient methods of collecting their purchases.