The Complicated Marketing of Health and Wellness In-Store
As consumers move to a more proactive mindset around their health and wellness, demand for products and services in this arena is growing fast. Medallion Retail explores how brands and retailers might address the complexities of marketing this category in-store, overcoming labor shortages and supply chain problems.

The On-Going Evolution and Value of Pop-Up Retail: 6 Questions to ask if it’s right for you
In 2008, the retail world, at least in the U.S., faced multiple challenges on many fronts. As online buying began to grow with shoppers’ comfort with this channel, the pull of foot traffic from brick-and-mortar stores to the online experience

Shopper Education: Tuning into the Shopper’s In-Store Channel
If the pandemic taught us anything is that with the right shopper education, whatever type of product we want can usually be at our doorstep in no time. Some things that were ordered on a Monday afternoon would show up

Pop-Up to Keep Up: Our Top 6 Reasons Why
In today’s digital world, we can easily diminish the importance and power of physical interaction. This is especially true in retail. While retailers and brands such as Sephora, Nike and Warby Parker are pursuing AR and VR technology that allows

Destination Pop-Ups Boost Sales With Local Flavor
Branded activations are projected to fuel a $740 million market by 2020, according to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). In an experience economy, pop-ups can draw a crowd based on excitement and engagement. But the most memorable experiences aren’t

At Barnes & Noble, a Story of Fantastical Retail Transformation
You’re a wizard, Harry. May the force be with you. For readers young and old, there are perhaps no two literary franchises more ubiquitous than Harry Potter and Star Wars. To date, the Harry Potter brand has generated nearly $8

Retail Renaissance: The New Golden Age of Brick-and-Mortar Retail
The past decade has not been kind to retailers. Malls shuttered, small businesses folded, and beloved chain stores – including Toys“R”Us and Sears – closed their doors. Spurred by delayed effects of the Great Recession and massive shifts in consumer

Bridging the Touch-Feel Gap with Pop-Ups
The smell of a fresh croissant. The feel of lush velvet. The strum of the guitar in a familiar song. Every day, the five senses transport our thoughts, impact our memories and create emotional connections. Driving our emotions and our
Pop-up Smarts From Old-School Experiential Marketing Masters
Experiential marketing – the foundation of really great pop-up – is not new.

The Pop-up Shop Budget Made Easier
The most important element of a pop-up is neither its location nor its design. More critical than the product, the celebrity, the spectacle or the swag is the pop-up shop budget.

Retail Pop-up Budgets Made Easy (OK, Easier.)
Clients often ask, “What will a retail pop-up cost us?” I usually answer, “As long as a piece of string.” Which is why I generally am not allowed to talk to the numbers guys about the retail pop-up budget.

How to Create a Multi-Brand Pop-Up
Sometimes one and one add up to three. Indeed, that’s the case when retailers cooperate to create a shopper-pleasing multi-brand pop-up.

How Pop-up Retail Transforms Ecommerce Into “Me”-Commerce
A pop-up is more effective than singular online selling in six important ways.

The Art (and the Heart) of the Pop-up Moment
Why just make a quick sale, when you can make a timeless pop-up moment?

The Objective of the Retail Pop-up
Pop-up retailing is a great thing – for retailers and for shoppers. But a retail pop-up without an objective – like a psycho squirrel with a machine gun – can be a very bad thing for everyone in the general